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The Black Hornet Nano Unmanned Air Vehicle
A Helicopter is really the most efficient hovering device that we can build,"says David Lentink."The best hummingbird are still better, but i think it's amazing that we're getting closer ."Above,the Black Hornet nano unmanned air vehicle.
The spinning blades of micro-helicopters are about as efficient at hovering as the average hummingbird, which have had more  than 42 millions years of natural selection to home their energetically efficient flight.

That said, hummingbird wings can still generate lift more efficiently than the best micro-helicopter blades,according to a new analysis led by David Lentink, as assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Standford University. The findings could lead to more powerful,bird-inspired robotic vehicles.
male Anna's hummingbird 
I think it's nice that there are still a few things about hummingbirds that we don't know," Said By David Lentink.

Greetz My Friend Muneeb Iqbal 

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