How to add facebook likebox to website

How to add facebook likebox to website.

You not have to do anything just simply follow me.
First goto google and write how to add facebook likebox to website or blogger etc.
You can see it in this snapshot too.

Just open this and nothing to do and drag your cursor and click on Get Code.

After click on Get Code then a small box will be appear infront of you having facebook likebox code.
This small will look like this as i have show you in this snapshot.

Then simply click on IFRAME option and copy all that code and change the page url set on that code and paste in your website.
You can see in it .

After doing this Login to your account goto Dashbord and click on layout and agian click on add Gadget and add HTML/JavaScript and put that code into it.You have done.You can see my own.
You can take that script from here too.

<iframe src="//;width&amp;height=290&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;header=true&amp;stream=false&amp;show_border=true" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; height:290px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

Enjoy it.

Stay Connected for more tricks.

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